
Minimal R/Shiny Interface to Echarts.js


Use Case 4 - Bubbles without troubles with JavaScript

ECharts being a JavaScript library, dealing with JS code sometimes becomes unavoidable. For instance replicating this interesting example in R requires serious work in both languages.

The chart presents life expectancy and GDP for 19 countries in two centuries timeframe. There are 81 recorded years from 1800 to 2015. One serie per year per country contains 5 values - income, life expectancy, population, country and year.

> str(tmp)  # data from downloaded JSON file
List of 3
 $ counties: chr [1:19] "China" "United States" "United Kingdom" ...
 $ timeline: int [1:81] 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 ...
 $ series  : chr [1:81, 1:19, 1:5] "815" "834" "853" "1399" ...

We analyze the data preparation and how to translate it in R. This block is at the bottom of the JS source. It builds timeline options in a loop. In R, we can do the same with lapply.
Note how symbolSize is set as a JS function. This is the only way to make it proportional to the country's population, as val[2] is the third (0,1,2) data column, which is Population.
The other JS function jcode is used for the tooltip formatter. There we changed the HTML layout a bit to make it more table-like.
Final step is to translate the few titles/names from Chinese to English, easily done with Google. Below is the entire code. Again echarty's overhead comes down to exactly one command - ec.init().

jcode <- "function (obj) {
      var schema = [
          {name: 'Income', index: 0, text: 'Income', unit: ' USD'},
          {name: 'LifeExpectancy', index: 1, text: 'Life Exp', unit: ' yrs'},
          {name: 'Population', index: 2, text: 'Population', unit: 'M'},
          {name: 'Country', index: 3, text: 'Country', unit: ''}
      var value = obj.value;
      return '<div style=\"display: flex;justify-content: space-between;\">' + 
        '<div>' + schema[3].text + '<br/>' + schema[1].text + '<br/>' + schema[0].text + '<br/>' + schema[2].text + '</div>' +
        '<div>' + value[3] + '<br/>' + value[1] + schema[1].unit + '<br/>' + value[0] + schema[0].unit + '<br/>' 
                + value[2] + schema[2].unit + '</div></div>';

# data download and preparation
tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON('')
tmp$series[,,2] <- round(as.numeric(tmp$series[,,2]), 1)  # lifeExp rounded
tmp$series[,,3] <- round(as.numeric(tmp$series[,,3])/1000000, 2)  # pop in Millions

# build timeline options
i <- 0
options <- lapply(tmp$timeline, function(x) { i <<- i+1; list(
  title = list(text = x), 
  series = list(
    type = 'scatter', name = x, itemStyle=list(opacity= 0.8),
    data = tmp$series[i,,],
    symbolSize = htmlwidgets::JS("function(val) { var y = Math.sqrt(parseInt(val[2]) / 5e2) + 0.1; return y * 80;}")
)) })

# chart settings, translated from JS with demo(js2r) + manual editing
p <- ec.init()
p$x$opts <- list(
  timeline = list(
    axisType = "category", orient = "vertical", 
    autoPlay = TRUE, inverse = TRUE, playInterval = 1000, left = NULL, right = 0, top = 20, bottom = 20, 
    width = 55, height = NULL, symbol = "none", checkpointStyle = list(borderWidth = 2), 
    controlStyle = list(showNextBtn = FALSE, showPrevBtn = FALSE), 
    data = unlist(tmp$timeline)), 
  title = list(list(left="55%", top="55%", textStyle=list(fontSize=70, color='#11111166')), 
               list(text = "Life expectancy and GDP by year", 
                    left = "center", top = 10, textStyle = list(fontWeight = "normal", fontSize = 20))), 
  tooltip = list(padding = 5, borderWidth = 1, formatter = htmlwidgets::JS(jcode)), 
  grid = list(top = 100, containLabel = TRUE, left = 30, right = 110), 
  xAxis = list(type = "log", name = "Per capita income", max = 1e+05, min = 300, nameGap = 25, 
               nameLocation = "middle", nameTextStyle = list(fontSize=14), splitLine=list(show=FALSE), 
               axisLabel = list(formatter = "${value}")), 
  yAxis = list(type = "value", name="Average lifespan in years", 
               nameRotate=90, nameLocation='middle',  nameGap = 30,
               max = 100, nameTextStyle = list(fontSize=14), splitLine = list(show=FALSE)),
  visualMap = list(show = FALSE, dimension = 3, categories = unlist(unique(tmp$counties)) 
        ,inRange = list(color = rep(c('#51689b', '#ce5c5c', '#fbc357', '#8fbf8f', '#659d84',
         '#fb8e6a', '#c77288', '#786090', '#91c4c5', '#6890ba'),2))
  animationDurationUpdate = 1000, animationEasingUpdate = "quinticInOut", 
  options = options)
p    # %>% ec.inspect()

You can zoom and pan the chart to better see smaller countries.

UPDATE:   the newer 3D version offers better viewing options