Make data lists from a data.frame
- df
Required chart data as data.frame.
Except when format is dendrogram, then df is a list, result of hclust function.- format
Output list format
dataset = list to be used in dataset (default), or in (without header).
values = list for customized
names = named lists useful for named data like sankey links.
dendrogram = build series data for Hierarchical Clustering dendrogram
treePC = build series data for tree charts from parent/children data.frame
treeTT = build series data for tree charts from data.frame like Titanic.
boxplot = build dataset and source lists, see Details
- header
for dataset, to include the column names or not, default TRUE. Set it to FALSE for
- ...
optional parameters
Optional parameters for boxplot are:layout = 'h' for horizontal(default) or 'v' for vertical layout
outliers boolean to add outlier points (default FALSE)
jitter value for jitter of numerical values in second column, default 0 (no scatter). Adds scatter series on top of boxplot.
Optional parameter for names:
nasep = single character name separator for nested lists, see Examples.
Purpose is to facilitate conversion from data.frame to nested named lists.
A list for dataset.source, or other lists:
For boxplot - a named list, see Details and Examples
For dendrogram & treePC - a tree structure, see format in tree data
requires the first two df columns as:
column for the non-computational categorical axis
column with (numeric) data to compute the five boxplot values
Additional grouping is supported on a column after the second. Groups will show in the legend, if enabled.
Returns a list(dataset, series, xAxis, yAxis)
to set params in ec.init.
Make sure there is enough data for computation, 4+ values per boxplot.format='treeTT'
expects data.frame df columns pathString,value,(optional itemStyle) for FromDataFrameTable.
It will add column 'pct' with value percentage for each node. See example below.
See also
some live code samples
ds <- iris |> relocate(Species) |> 'boxplot', jitter= 0.1, layout= 'v')
dataset= ds$dataset, series= ds$series, xAxis= ds$xAxis, yAxis= ds$yAxis,
legend= list(show= TRUE), tooltip= list(show= TRUE)
hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "complete")
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
series= list(list(
type= 'tree', orient= 'TB', roam= TRUE, initialTreeDepth= -1,
data=, format='dendrogram'),
layout= 'radial', # symbolSize= ec.clmn(scale= 0.33),
## exclude added labels like 'pXX', leaving only the originals
label= list(formatter= htmlwidgets::JS(
"function(n) { out= /p\\d+/.test( ? '' :; return out;}"))
# build required pathString,value and optional itemStyle columns
df <- |> rename(value= Freq) |> mutate(
pathString= paste('Titanic\nSurvival', Survived, Age, Sex, Class, sep='/'),
itemStyle= case_when(Survived=='Yes' ~"color='green'", TRUE ~"color='LightSalmon'")) |>
select(pathString, value, itemStyle)
series= list(list(
data=, format='treeTT'),
type= 'tree', symbolSize= ec.clmn("(x) => {return Math.log(x)*10}")
tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('%@<br>%@%','value','pct'))
# column itemStyle_color will become itemStyle= list(color=...) in data list
# attribute names separator (nasep) is "_"
df <- data.frame(name= c('A','B','C'), value= c(1,2,3),
itemStyle_color= c('chartreuse','lightblue','pink'),
itemStyle_decal_symbol= c('rect','diamond','none'),
emphasis_itemStyle_color= c('darkgreen','blue','red')
ec.init(series.param= list(type='pie', data=, 'names', nasep='_')))