A collection of charts with their source code
showing usage of echarty. Some Live Demos are hosted on RPubs.
This page is searchable if you are interested in a specific
The package itself has two dozen more code examples - type
to see them.
Single-page web hosting
Edit R-code and run charts inside a web page - Live Demo
Real-Time Data charts with echarty - Live Demo
Data models
how to store data in echarty - Live Demo with code
Simple bar
demo for presets
df <- data.frame(date= seq(as.Date('2019-12-25'), as.Date('2020-01-07'), by='day'), num= runif(14))
# with presets and df chained
df |> ec.init(ctype= 'bar') |> ec.theme('dark')
# without presets all options are explicitly assigned
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
yAxis= list(show= TRUE),
xAxis= list(type= 'category',
axisLabel= list(interval= 0, rotate= 45) ),
series= list(list(type= 'bar', data= ec.data(df)))
) |> ec.theme('dark')
Horizontal bars
with grouping
df <- Orange |> mutate(Tree= as.character(Tree)) |>
arrange(Tree) |> group_by(Tree) |> group_split()
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
series= lapply(df, function(t) {
list(type= 'bar', name= unique(t$Tree), data= t$circumference) }),
legend= list(show=TRUE),
xAxis= list(name= 'tree circumference in mm', nameLocation= 'center', nameGap= 22),
yAxis= list(data= unique(Orange$age), name= 'age in days'),
tooltip= list(formatter= 'circumference={c} mm')
) |> ec.upd({
l <- length(series)
series[[l]]$name <- paste(series[[l]]$name, ' trees')
}) |> ec.theme('dark')
Easy as pie
library(echarty); library(dplyr)
isl <- data.frame(name= names(islands), value= islands) |> filter(value>60) |> arrange(value)
ec.init(preset= FALSE,
title= list(text= "Landmasses over 60,000 mi\u00B2", left= 'center'),
tooltip= list(show= TRUE),
series= list(list(type= 'pie', data= ec.data(isl, 'names'))),
backgroundColor= '#191919'
Parallel chart
library(echarty); library(dplyr)
iris |> group_by(Species) |>
ec.init(ctype='parallel', color= rainbow(10)) |>
ec.upd({ # update preset series
series <- lapply(series, function(s) {
s$smooth <- TRUE
s$lineStyle <- list(width=3)
s })
}) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Custom chart
# source https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=custom-profit
# GUI translated with demo(js2r) with rdata and ritem added
library(echarty); library(dplyr)
data <- list(list(10, 16, 3, "A"), list(16, 18, 15, "B"), list(18, 26, 12, "C"),
list(26, 32, 22, "D"), list(32, 56, 7, "E"), list(56, 62, 17, "F"))
colorList <- c("#4f81bd", "#c0504d", "#9bbb59", "#604a7b", "#948a54", "#e46c0b")
rdata <- lapply(1:6, \(x) {
list(value= data[[x]],
itemStyle= list(color= colorList[x])) })
ritem <- "function renderItem(params, api) {
var yValue= api.value(2);
var start= api.coord([api.value(0), yValue]);
var size= api.size([api.value(1) - api.value(0), yValue]);
var style= api.style();
return {
type: 'rect',
shape: {
x: start[0],
y: start[1],
width: size[0],
height: size[1]
style: style
title= list(text= "Profit", left= "center"),
tooltip= list(show=T),
xAxis= list(scale= TRUE), yAxis= list(show= T),
series= list(list(type= "custom",
renderItem= htmlwidgets::JS(ritem),
label= list(show= TRUE, position= "top"),
dimensions= list("from", "to", "profit"),
encode= list(x= list(0, 1), y= 2,
tooltip= list(0, 1, 2), itemName= 3),
data= rdata ))
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Error Bars
set.seed(222) # --------- 10 categories
df <- sleep |> mutate(
low= round(extra-0.7*runif(20),3),
high= round(extra+0.7*runif(20),3)) |> group_by(ID)
ec.init(df, ctype='bar', load='custom',
series.param= list(
encode= list(x='group', y='extra')) ) |>
ecr.ebars(encode= list(x='group', y=c('extra','low','high')) )
Lollypop chart
A fusion of bar and scatter charts
library(echarty); library(dplyr)
df <- mtcars
df$mpg_z <- round((df$mpg -mean(df$mpg))/sd(df$mpg), 1) # deviation
df |> tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |>
relocate(model,mpg_z) |> arrange(desc(mpg_z)) |> group_by(cyl) |> filter(row_number()<4) |>
ec.init(ctype='bar', title= list(text='lollypop chart')
,grid= list(containLabel=TRUE)
,xAxis= list(axisLabel= list(rotate= 66), scale=TRUE,
axisTick= list(alignWithLabel= TRUE))
,yAxis= list(name='mpg_z', nameLocation='center', nameRotate=90, nameGap=20)
,barWidth= 3, barGap= '-100%' # center the bar
) |>
scats <- lapply(series, function(bar) { # set matching scatter serie
within(bar, {
type <- 'scatter'
encode <- list(x='model', y='mpg_z')
label <- list(show=TRUE, formatter= '{@mpg_z}')
symbolSize <- 25
itemStyle <- list(opacity= 1, borderWidth=2, borderColor= 'cornsilk')
series <- append(series, scats)
}) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Triple gauge with animation
with two layout examples - dials and rings
jcode <- "setInterval(function () {
opts.series[0].data[0].value= (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0;
opts.series[0].data[1].value= (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0;
opts.series[0].data[2].value= (Math.random() * 100).toFixed(2) - 0;
chart.setOption(opts, true);
}, 2000);"
ec.init(js= jcode,
series= list(list(type= "gauge",
anchor= list(show= TRUE, showAbove= TRUE, size= 18, itemStyle= list(color= "#FAC858")),
pointer= list(icon= "path://M2.9,0.7L2.9,0.7c1.4,0,2.6,1.2,2.6,2.6v115c0,1.4-1.2,2.6-2.6,2.6l0,0c-1.4,0-2.6-1.2-2.6-2.6V3.3C0.3,1.9,1.4,0.7,2.9,0.7z",
width= 8, length= "80%", offsetCenter= list(0, "8%")),
progress= list(show= TRUE, overlap= TRUE, roundCap= TRUE),
axisLine= list(roundCap= TRUE),
data= list(
list(value= 20, name= "One", title= list(offsetCenter= list("-40%", "80%")), detail= list(offsetCenter= list("-40%","95%"))),
list(value= 40, name= "Two", title= list(offsetCenter= list("0%", "80%")), detail= list(offsetCenter= list("0%", "95%"))),
list(value= 60, name= "Three", title= list(offsetCenter= list("40%", "80%")), detail= list(offsetCenter= list("40%","95%")))
title= list(fontSize= 14),
detail= list(width= 40, height= 14, fontSize= 14, color= "#fff", backgroundColor= "auto", borderRadius= 3, formatter= "{value}%")
))) |> ec.theme('dark')
# from https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=gauge-ring
gaugeData = list(
list(name='Val1', title=list(offsetCenter=list('0%', '-30%')),
detail=list(valueAnimation=TRUE,offsetCenter=list('0%', '-20%'))),
list(name='Val2', title=list(offsetCenter=list('0%', '0%')),
detail=list(valueAnimation=TRUE,offsetCenter=list('0%', '10%'))),
list(name='Val3', title=list(offsetCenter=list('0%', '30%')),
detail=list(valueAnimation=TRUE,offsetCenter=list('0%', '40%'))))
options = lapply(1:3, \(i) {
gdata = gaugeData;
for(j in 1:3) {gdata[[j]]$value = round(runif(1) *100) }
series= list(list(type='gauge',
startAngle=90, endAngle=-200, pointer=list(show=FALSE),
progress= list(show=TRUE,overlap=FALSE,roundCap=TRUE,clip=FALSE,
itemStyle=list(borderWidth=1, borderColor='#464646')),
axisLine= list(lineStyle= list(width=40, opacity=0)),
axisTick= list(show=FALSE),axisLabel=list(show=FALSE,distance=50),
data= gdata,
title= list(fontSize=14, color='cornsilk'),
detail= list(width=50,height=14, fontSize=14, color='inherit',
borderColor='inherit',borderRadius=20,borderWidth=1, formatter='{value}%')
)) )
} )
ec.init(preset= F,
options= options,
timeline= list(axisType='category', data=c(1:3), autoPlay=T)
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Bar Race
with timeline
# https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=bar-race-country
ROOT_PATH = 'https://echarts.apache.org/examples/data/asset/data/life-expectancy-table.json'
tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(ROOT_PATH)
tmp <- tmp[-1,]
countries <- tmp[,4]
tmp <- tmp[,-4]
tmp <- apply(tmp, 2, as.numeric)
df <- as.data.frame(tmp)
df <- df |> mutate(Country=countries)
colnames(df) <- c("Income","Life Expectancy","Population","Year","Country")
startYear <- 1950
# with timeline, no Javascript
updateFrequency <- 2100 # msec
df |> filter(Year >= startYear) |> group_by(Year) |>
title= list(text='year %@'), grid= list(containLabel=T),
xAxis= list(max='dataMax'),
yAxis= list(type='category', inverse=TRUE, max=10, name='',
axisLabel=list(show=TRUE, fontSize=12),
animationDuration=300, animationDurationUpdate=300),
series.param= list(
type= 'bar', colorBy='data', realtimeSort=TRUE,
encode= list(x= 1, y= 5),
label= list(show=TRUE,precision=1,position='right',valueAnimation=TRUE,fontFamily='monospace'),
animationDuration=0, animationDurationUpdate= updateFrequency,
animationEasing= 'linear',
timeline= list(autoPlay=T, playInterval= updateFrequency/3)
) |> ec.theme('dark')
Crosstalk 2D
play with the Live
Demo, code included
Crosstalk with leaflet map
two-way selection between map and chart
sdf <- quakes[1:33,] |> SharedData$new(group= 'qk')
map <- leaflet(sdf) |> addTiles() |> addMarkers()
p <- sdf |> ec.init(
title= list(text= 'Crosstalk two-way selection'),
toolbox= list(feature= list(brush= list(show=TRUE))),
brush= list(brushLink='all', throttleType='debounce',
brushStyle= list(borderColor= 'red')),
tooltip= list(show=TRUE),
xAxis= list(scale=TRUE, boundaryGap= c('5%', '5%'))
) |>
series[[1]] <- append(series[[1]], list(
encode= list(x='mag', y='depth', tooltip=list(2,3)),
selectedMode= 'multiple',
emphasis= list(
itemStyle= list(borderColor='yellow', borderWidth=2),
focus= 'self',
blur= list(itemStyle= list(opacity = 0.4)) # when focus set
}) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
div(style="float:left;width:50%;", map),
Check out also the World
Map demo, using ECharts map.
Crosstalk in 3D
# echarty can filter and highlight 3D points selected by external controls
library(crosstalk); library(DT); library(d3scatter);
library(htmltools); library(dplyr); library(tibble)
sdf <- mtcars |> rownames_to_column(var='name') |> relocate(mpg,wt,hp)
sdf <- SharedData$new(sdf)
p3 <- sdf |> ec.init(load= '3D',
title= list(text="crosstalk 3D listener (filter & selection)"),
series= list(list(type='scatter3D', symbolSize=11,
itemStyle= list(color= htmlwidgets::JS("function(params){
let cyl=params.value[4]; return (cyl==4 ? 'RoyalBlue' : cyl==6 ? 'OrangeRed':'green');}") ),
emphasis= list(focus='self', blurScope='series', itemStyle= list(color='red'))
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
bscols( list(
d3scatter(sdf, ~mpg, ~wt, ~factor(cyl), width="100%", height=300),br(),
datatable(sdf, extensions="Scroller", style="bootstrap", class="compact", width="100%",
options=list(deferRender=TRUE, scrollY=300, scroller=TRUE))
), list( p3, br(), filter_slider("fs1", "mpg", sdf, column=~mpg))
plugin 3D, test with 5,000 points
# example works also with slower type='scatter', with ec.data(dat, format='values')
# ------ 1) prepare data
dim <- 2500 # sample data half-quantity, could be much more
slip <- if (dim %% 2) 0.1 else -0.1
setData <- function(offset) {
t <- tibble(x= runif(dim, max=10),
y= offset + sin(x) - x * slip * runif(dim))
# two sets, same data shifted vertically
dat <- rbind(setData(0), setData(1))
# ------ 2) show data
ec.init(load= '3D', preset= FALSE,
title= list(text=paste('scatterGL -',nrow(dat),'points + zoom')),
xAxis= list(show=TRUE),
yAxis= list(show=TRUE),
series= list(list(type= 'scatterGL', data= ec.data(dat),
symbolSize= 3, large=TRUE,
itemStyle= list(opacity=0.4, color='cyan')
dataZoom= list(type='inside',start=50)
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
plugin 3D with scatter3D
quakes[1:333,] |> mutate(mage= ifelse(mag<5, 4, ifelse(mag<6, 10, 15))) |>
xAxis3D= list(name= "Lat", scale=TRUE),
yAxis3D= list(name = "Long", scale=TRUE),
zAxis3D= list(name = "Depth"),
series= list(list(type= 'scatter3D', name= "Fiji",
encode= list(x= 'lat', y= 'long', z= 'depth'),
symbolSize = ec.clmn(6) #'mage'
visualMap= list(
type = "continuous",
inRange = list(color = c('green', 'yellow', 'red')),
dimension = 4, # dimension x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, mag = 4, station = 5
text= c(paste('mag\n',max(quakes$mag)), min(quakes$mag)),
top = 20, calculable= TRUE, precision= 1,
textStyle= list(color= '#bbb')
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Bathymetry in 3D
up to 200,000 surface points. Good performance test for
Multiple 3D examples based on ocean floor measurements in different
locations across the planet.
The app requires shiny and several other libraries with their
dependencies - source
run with shiny::runGist(‘https://gist.github.com/helgasoft/121d7d3ff7d292990c3e05cfc1cbf24b’)
Timeline in 3D
demographic data evolution in the last 200 years
# see also original 2D: https://helgasoft.github.io/echarty/uc5.html
# data download and preparation
tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON('https://echarts.apache.org/examples/data/asset/data/life-expectancy.json')
tmp$series[,,2] <- round(as.numeric(tmp$series[,,2]), 1) # life exp rounded
tmp$series[,,3] <- round(as.numeric(tmp$series[,,3])/1000000, 2) # pop in Millions
df <- as.data.frame(tmp$series[1,,])
for(i in 2:nrow(tmp$series)) {
df <- rbind(df, as.data.frame(tmp$series[i,,]))
} # convert array to data.frame
colnames(df) <- c('Income','Life','Population','Country','Year')
tt <- df$Country
df <- df[,-4]; df[] <- lapply(df, as.numeric)
df$Country <- tt
df$SymSize <- (sqrt(df$Population / 5e2) + 0.1) *80
df <- df |> relocate(Year, .after= last_col())
# set colors for countries
colors <- rep(c('#8b0069','#75c165', '#ce5c5c', '#fbc357',
'#8fbf8f', '#659d84', '#fb8e6a', '#c77288', '#786090', '#91c4c5', '#6890ba'), 2)
i <- 0
pieces <- lapply(unique(df$Country), function(x) {
i <<- i+1; list(value= x, color= colors[i])
df |> group_by(Year) |> ec.init(
load= '3D',
timeline= list(
orient= "vertical",
autoPlay= TRUE, playInterval= 500, left= NULL, right= 0, top= 20, bottom= 20,
width= 55, height= NULL, symbol= "none", checkpointStyle= list(borderWidth= 2)
series.param= list(
type= 'scatter3D', #coordinateSystem= 'cartesian3D',
itemStyle= list(opacity= 0.8),
encode= list(x= 'Income', y= 'Life', z= 'Year'),
symbolSize= ec.clmn(5), # 5 is SymSize
tooltip= list( backgroundColor= 'transparent',
formatter= ec.clmn('<b>%@</b><br>life exp: <b>%@</b><br>income: <b>$%@</b><br>populat: <b>%@M</b>',4,2,1,3)
title= list(text= "Life expectancy and GDP - year %@", top= 10,
left= "center", textStyle= list(fontWeight= "normal", fontSize= 20)),
grid3D= list(axisLabel= list(textStyle= list(color='#ddd'))),
xAxis3D= list(name= 'Income', min= 15, axisLabel= list(formatter= "${value}"),
nameTextStyle= list(color= '#ddd'), nameGap= 25),
yAxis3D= list(name= 'Life Expectancy', min= 15,
nameTextStyle= list(color= '#ddd')),
zAxis3D= list(name= 'Year', min= 1790, max=2022,
nameTextStyle= list(color= '#ddd'), nameGap= 25,
# minInterval= 1 does not work in 3D, use formatter to show integers for Year
axisLabel= list(formatter= htmlwidgets::JS("function(val) {if (val % 1 === 0) return val;}"))
visualMap= list(show= FALSE, dimension= 'Country', type= 'piecewise', pieces= pieces),
tooltip= list(show= TRUE)
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Radar chart customized
data <- data.frame(
name= c(3,5,7,8,9),
values= c(12,45,23,50,32), max= rep(60, 5)
# build a list for rich formatting
rifo <- lapply(data$name, function(x) {
list(height= 30, backgroundColor=list(
names(rifo) <- data$name
data |> ec.init(preset= FALSE,
radar= list(
indicator= ec.data(data, 'names'),
name= list(
formatter= htmlwidgets::JS("v => '{'+v+'| }'"),
rich= rifo)
series= list(list(
type= 'radar', data= list(data$values)
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Simple or grouped boxplots
varied methods of boxplot computation and display
# simple boxplots through ec.data ---------------------
ds <- iris |> dplyr::relocate(Species) |>
ec.data(format= 'boxplot', jitter= 0.1, layout= 'v', symbolSize= 6
dataset= ds$dataset, series= ds$series,xAxis= ds$xAxis, yAxis= ds$yAxis,
legend= list(show= T), tooltip= list(show= T)
) |>
ec.upd({ # update boxplot serie
series[[1]] <- c(series[[1]],
list(color= 'LightGrey', itemStyle= list(color='DimGray', borderWidth=2)))
}) |>
# grouped boxplots through ec.data ---------------------
# mutate to create less Y-axis items with more, sufficient data.
ds <- airquality |> mutate(Day=round(Day/10)) |> relocate(Day,Wind,Month) |> group_by(Month) |>
ec.data(format='boxplot', jitter=0.1, layout= 'h')
dataset= ds$dataset, series= ds$series,xAxis= ds$xAxis, yAxis= ds$yAxis,
legend= list(show= TRUE), tooltip= list(show=TRUE)
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
# boxplot calculation in R ---------------------
sers <- lapply(list('mpg','hp','disp'), \(cc) {
list(type='boxplot', name=cc, itemStyle= list(color='gray'),
data= list(boxplot.stats(unlist(mtcars[cc], use.names=F))$stats))
series= sers,
xAxis= list(type= 'category'),
legend= list(show=TRUE)
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
# boxplot calculation in ECharts, with outliers ---------------------
df <- mtcars[,c(1,3,4)] |> mutate(mpg= mpg*10)
dataset= list(
list(source= ec.data(data.frame(t(df)), header=FALSE)),
list(transform= list(type='boxplot')),
list(fromDatasetIndex=1, fromTransformResult= 1)),
series= list(
list(name= 'boxplot', type= 'boxplot', datasetIndex= 2,
itemStyle= list(color='lightblue', borderColor= 'violet')),
list(name= 'outlier', type= 'scatter', encode= list(x=2, y=1), datasetIndex= 3)
yAxis= list(type= 'category', boundaryGap=TRUE),
legend= list(show=TRUE)
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
Boxplot + scatter overlay
a horizontal chart with zoom and tooltips
Inspired by Julia
Silge’s article. ECharts advantage over ggplot is interactivity -
zoom brush and tooltips.
pumpkins_raw <- readr::read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2021/2021-10-19/pumpkins.csv")
pumpkins <-
pumpkins_raw |>
separate(id, into= c("year", "type")) |>
mutate(across(c(year, weight_lbs), parse_number)) |>
filter(type == "P") |>
select(country, weight_lbs, year) |>
mutate(country= fct_lump(country, n= 10))
ds <- ec.data(pumpkins, format='boxplot', jitter=0.1,
symbolSize= 4, itemStyle=list(opacity= 0.5), name= 'data',
tooltip= list(
backgroundColor= 'rgba(30,30,30,0.5)',
textStyle= list(color='#eee'),
formatter=ec.clmn('%@ lbs', 1, scale=0))
title= list(
list(text="Giant Pumpkins", subtext='inspiration',
,list(text=paste(nrow(pumpkins),'records for 2013-2021'),
textStyle= list(fontSize= 12), left= '50%', top= '90%' )
legend= list(show=TRUE),
tooltip= list(show=TRUE),
toolbox= list(left='right', feature=list(dataZoom=list(show= TRUE, filterMode='none'))),
dataset= ds$dataset, series= ds$series, xAxis= ds$xAxis, yAxis= ds$yAxis
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom') |>
xAxis[[1]] <- c(xAxis[[1]], list(min=0, nameLocation='center', nameGap=20))
yAxis[[1]] <- c(yAxis[[1]], list(nameGap= 3))
series[[1]] <- c(series[[1]], list(color= 'LightGrey', itemStyle= list(color='DimGray')))
for(i in 2:length(series)) series[[i]]$color <- heat.colors(11)[i-1]
Correlation matrix
using heatmap chart
# prepare and calculate data
mtx <- cor(infert %>% dplyr::mutate(education=as.numeric(education)))
order <- corrplot::corrMatOrder(mtx)
mtx <- mtx[order, order]
df <- as.data.frame(as.table(mtx))
for(i in 1:2) df[,i] <- as.character(df[,i])
# ECharts heatmap expects dataset columns in a certain order: relocate
df |> relocate(Var2) |> ec.init(ctype='heatmap',
title= list(text='Infertility after abortion correlation'),
xAxis= list(axisLabel= list(rotate=45)),
visualMap= list(min=-1, max=1, orient='vertical',left='right',
calculable=TRUE, inRange=list( color=heat.colors(11)) )
) |> ec.theme('dark')
using bar chart
do.histogram <- function(x, breaks='Sturges') {
# get histogram data from input 'x'
histo <- hist(x, plot=FALSE, breaks)
tmp <- data.frame(x=histo$mids, y=histo$counts)
do.histogram(rnorm(44)) |> ec.init(ctype='bar') |> ec.theme('dark')
# with normal distribution line added
hh <- do.histogram(rnorm(44))
nrm <- dnorm(hh$x, mean=mean(hh$x), sd=sd(hh$x)) # normal distribution
ec.init(hh, ctype= 'bar',
xAxis= list(list(show= TRUE), list(data= c(1:length(nrm)))),
yAxis= list(list(show= TRUE), list(show= TRUE))
) |> ec.upd({
series <- append(series, list(
list(type= 'line', data= nrm,
xAxisIndex= 1, yAxisIndex= 1, color= 'yellow')))
}) |> ec.theme('dark')
# same with timeline
hh <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:5) {
tmp <- do.histogram(rnorm(44)) |> mutate(time= rep(i,n()))
hh <- rbind(hh, tmp)
hh |> group_by(time) |>
ec.init(tl.series= list(type= 'bar', encode= list(x='x',y='y'))) |>
Modularity plugin
DOW companies - size by market cap
# click and drag items to see auto-rearrange effect
tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON('https://quote.cnbc.com/quote-html-webservice/quote.htm?noform=1&partnerId=2&fund=1&exthrs=0&output=json&symbolType=issue&symbols=55991|44503|36276|56858|70258|1607179|84090|142105|145043|148633|151846|167459|174239|178782|174614|197606|202757|205141|205778|212856|228324|260531|277095|81364|283359|10808544|283581|286571|89999|522511530&requestMethod=extended')
df <- tmp$ExtendedQuoteResult$ExtendedQuote$QuickQuote
wt <- data.frame(tic=df$symbol, name=df$altName, bn=NA, size=NA,
mcap= df$FundamentalData$mktcapView,
rev= df$FundamentalData$revenuettm)
wt$bn <- round(as.numeric(gsub('M','',wt$mcap, fixed=TRUE))/1000,1) # mkt.cap
bnMax <- max(wt$bn)
wt$size <- 30 + wt$bn/bnMax * 140 # size 30 to 140 px depending on mkt.cap
title=list(text='DOW 2021', x='center', y='bottom',
backgroundColor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', borderColor='#ccc',
borderWidth=0, padding=5, itemGap=10,
textStyle=list(fontSize=18,fontWeight='bolder', color='#eee'),subtextStyle=list(color='#aaa')),
backgroundColor= '#000',
animationDurationUpdate= "function(idx) list(return idx * 100; )",
animationEasingUpdate= 'bounceIn',
series= list(list(
type= 'graph', layout= 'force',
force= list(repulsion=250, edgeLength=10),
modularity= list(resolution=7, sort=TRUE),
roam= TRUE, label= list(show=TRUE),
data= lapply(ec.data(wt, 'names'), function(x)
list(name= x$tic, lname= x$name, value= x$bn,
symbolSize= x$size, draggable= TRUE
)) )),
tooltip= list(formatter= ec.clmn('<b>%@</b><br>%@ bn','lname','value'))
Circular layout diagram for ‘Les Miserables’ characters
# https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=graph-circular-layout
les <- jsonlite::fromJSON('https://echarts.apache.org/examples/data/asset/data/les-miserables.json')
les$categories$name <- as.character(1:9)
title=list(text='Les Miserables',top='bottom',left='right'),
series= list(list(
type= 'graph', layout= 'circular',
circular= list(rotateLabel=TRUE),
nodes= ec.data(les$nodes, 'names'),
links= ec.data(les$links, 'names'),
categories= ec.data(les$categories, 'names'),
roam= TRUE, label= list(position='right', formatter='{b}'),
lineStyle= list(color='source', curveness=0.3)
legend= list(data=c(les$categories$name), textStyle=list(color='#ccc')),
tooltip= list(show=TRUE),
backgroundColor= '#191919'
) |> ec.upd({ # labels only for most important
series[[1]]$nodes <- lapply(series[[1]]$nodes, function(n) {
n$label <- list(show= n$symbolSize > 30)
n })
Custom SVG map
with mouse events
#' JS source https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=geo-organ
#' p$x$opts from original 'options' translated with demo(js2r)
#' p$x$on handlers added manually
#' demo also at https://rpubs.com/echarty/svg
url <- 'https://echarts.apache.org/examples/data/asset/geo/Veins_Medical_Diagram_clip_art.svg'
svg <- url |> readLines(encoding='UTF-8') |> paste0(collapse="")
p <- ec.init(preset=FALSE,
tooltip= list(zz= ""),
geo= list(left= 10, right= "50%", map= "organs", selectedMode= "multiple",
emphasis= list(focus= "self", itemStyle= list(color= NULL),
label= list(position= "bottom", distance= 0, textBorderColor= "#fff", textBorderWidth= 2)),
blur= list(zz= ""),
select= list(itemStyle= list(color= "#b50205"),
label= list(show= FALSE, textBorderColor= "#fff", textBorderWidth= 2))),
grid= list(left= "60%", top= "20%", bottom= "20%"),
xAxis= list(zz= ""),
yAxis= list(data= list("heart", "large-intestine", "small-intestine", "spleen", "kidney", "lung", "liver")),
series= list(list(type= "bar", emphasis= list(focus= "self"),
data= list(121, 321, 141, 52, 198, 289, 139)))
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
p$x$registerMap <- list(list(mapName= 'organs', svg= svg))
p$x$on <- list(
list(event='mouseover', query=list(seriesIndex=0),
handler=htmlwidgets::JS("function (event) {
this.dispatchAction({ type: 'highlight', geoIndex: 0, name: event.name }); }") ),
list(event='mouseout', query=list(seriesIndex=0),
handler=htmlwidgets::JS("function (event) {
this.dispatchAction({ type: 'downplay', geoIndex: 0, name: event.name }); }") )
World map plugin
with geo points/lines in a timeline
flights <- read.csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/2011_february_aa_flight_paths.csv')
# set first two columns to longitude/latitude as default for ECharts
df <- head(flights) |> relocate(start_lon,start_lat,end_lon) |>
group_by(airport1) |> group_split()
# timeline options are individual charts
options <- lapply(df, function(y) {
series <- list(
list(type='scatter', coordinateSystem='geo',
data= ec.data(y, 'values'), symbolSize= 8),
list(type='lines', coordinateSystem='geo',
data= lapply(ec.data(y, 'names'), function(x)
list(coords= list(c(x$start_lon, x$start_lat),
c(x$end_lon, x$end_lat)))
lineStyle= list(curveness=0.3, width=2, color='red') )
list(title=list(text=unique(y$airport1), top=30),
backgroundColor= '#191919',
geo= list(map="world", roam=TRUE, center=c(-97.0372, 32.89595), zoom=4),
series= series)
ec.init(preset=FALSE, load='world',
# timeline labels need to match option titles
timeline= list(
data= unlist(lapply(options, function(x) x$title$text)),
axisType= 'category'),
options= options
Leaflet maps with shape files
demo for GIS points, polylines and polygons
library(spData) # https://jakubnowosad.com/spData/
xy2df <- function(val) {
len2 <- length(unlist(val)) /2
as.array(matrix(unlist(val), len2, 2))
# ----- MULTIPOINT -----
nc <- as.data.frame(urban_agglomerations) |> filter(year==2020) |>
rename(NAME= urban_agglomeration) |>
select(NAME, country_or_area, population_millions, geometry) |>
rowwise() |> # set population as Z
mutate(geometry= st_sfc(st_point(c(unlist(geometry), population_millions))) )
ec.init(load= c('leaflet'),
js= ec.util(cmd= 'sf.bbox', bbox= st_bbox(nc$geometry)),
series= ec.util(df= nc, name= 'Largest Cities', itemStyle= list(color= 'red')
,symbolSize= ec.clmn(3, scale=0.5) # urban_agglomerations
tooltip= list(formatter= '{a}'), legend= list(show= TRUE), animation= FALSE
## series: 1 records: 30
nc <- as.data.frame( st_transform(seine, crs=4326))
# build animation effect series
sd <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(nc)) {
sd <- append(sd, list(
list(type= 'lines', coordinateSystem= 'leaflet', polyline= TRUE,
name= nc$name[i], lineStyle= list(width=0), color= 'blue',
effect= list(show= TRUE, constantSpeed= 80, trailLength= 0.1, symbolSize= 3),
data= list(list(coords= xy2df(nc$geometry[i]))
ec.init(load= c('leaflet'),
js= ec.util(cmd= 'sf.bbox', bbox= st_bbox(nc$geometry)),
series= append(
ec.util(df= nc, nid= 'name', lineStyle= list(width= 4), verbose=TRUE),
sd ),
tooltip= list(formatter= '{a}'), legend= list(show= TRUE),
## Marne,Seine,Yonne,
## series: 3 records: 658
# ----- MULTIPOLYGON -----
nc <- as.data.frame(st_transform(nz, crs=4326)) |> rename(geometry= geom)
attr(nc, 'sf_column') <- 'geometry'
ec.init(load= c('leaflet', 'custom'), # load custom for polygons
js= ec.util(cmd= 'sf.bbox', bbox= st_bbox(nc$geometry)),
series= ec.util(df= nc, nid= 'Name', itemStyle= list(opacity= 0.3)),
tooltip= list(formatter= '{a}'), animation= FALSE
## series: 22 records: 1191
Leaflet maps with geoJson
support for points, polylines and polygons
#' data from https://apidocs.geoapify.com/docs/isolines/#about
#' shows tooltip, opacity, color, fill, etc. for each feature
anim <- "
loc= [[2.32968,48.85948,0],[2.32959,48.85967,0],[2.33026,48.86059,0],[2.33005,48.86097,0],[2.33358,48.86583,0],[2.33421,48.8664,0],[2.33293,48.86935,0],[2.33245,48.87093,0]];
ii= 0; inc= 1;
setInterval( (p) => {
ii = ii + inc;
if (ii> 7) { inc= -1; ii--; }
if (ii< 0) { inc= +1; ii++; }
loca = loc[ii];
opt = {series: {id: 'bycicle', data: [loca]} };
}, 633)"
tmp <- jsonlite::fromJSON('https://helgasoft.github.io/echarty/test/bycic.geojson')
cntr <- c(2.329466, 48.859475); nid <- 'id'; zm <- 14
load= c('leaflet', 'custom'), js=c('','',anim),
leaflet= list(center= cntr, zoom= zm, roam= T),
tooltip= list(show=T, formatter='{b}'),
color= c('green','blue','red'),
series= append(
ec.util(cmd= 'geojson', geojson= tmp,
colorBy= 'data', ppfill= NULL, nid= nid
list(list( # animated bycicle serie
type= 'custom',
coordinateSystem= 'leaflet', id= 'bycicle', zlevel= 11,
renderItem= htmlwidgets::JS("(params, api) => {
cc = api.coord([api.value(0), api.value(1)]);
return {
type: 'path',
shape: {
pathData: 'M4 4.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5H6a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1v.5h4.14l.386-1.158A.5.5 0 0 1 11 4h1a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-.64l-.311.935.807 1.29a3 3 0 1 1-.848.53l-.508-.812-2.076 3.322A.5.5 0 0 1 8 10.5H5.959a3 3 0 1 1-1.815-3.274L5 5.856V5h-.5a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm1.5 2.443-.508.814c.5.444.85 1.054.967 1.743h1.139L5.5 6.943zM8 9.057 9.598 6.5H6.402L8 9.057zM4.937 9.5a1.997 1.997 0 0 0-.487-.877l-.548.877h1.035zM3.603 8.092A2 2 0 1 0 4.937 10.5H3a.5.5 0 0 1-.424-.765l1.027-1.643zm7.947.53a2 2 0 1 0 .848-.53l1.026 1.643a.5.5 0 1 1-.848.53L11.55 8.623z',
x: cc[0], y: cc[1],
originX: 17, originY: 17,
scaleX: 2, scaleY : 2 // 3 = orig.XY 12
data= list(cntr)
## geoJSON has 6 features
Leaflet with heatmap
With fullscreen option in toolbox
df <- quakes |> dplyr::relocate('long') # set order to lon,lat
tbox <- list(left='center', feature= ec.util(cmd='fullscreen'))
toolbox= tbox,
leaflet= list(center= c(179.462, -20), zoom= 4, roam= TRUE),
series= list(list(
data= ec.data(df),
pointSize= 2, blurSize= 4
visualMap= list(
show= FALSE, top= 'top', min= 0, max= 15,
calculable= TRUE, inRange= list(color= rainbow(11))
World map
with live data, color coding filter, pan/zoom Live
3D Globe
Interactive 3D application with ECharts 3D Globe Live Demo
🔻 Features
- real-time satellite data filtered by altitude
- charts: scatter3D for satellite location, bar3D for beams and lines3D for tracks
- controls: hover icons, timeline play/stop, animations toggle, zoom/rotate globe
- published as live demo
Overlay data and quantiles, then identify each with tooltips
# data and inspiration from https://ptarroso.github.io/quantileplot/
counts <- 1:25
n <- 50 # original is 250
x <- rep(counts, each=n)
y <- rep(NA, length(x))
for (i in counts) {
mean.val <- log(i)+1
sdev.val <- runif(1, 0.2, 0.8)
y[x==i] <- round(rnorm(n, mean.val, sdev.val), 3)
q <- seq(0, 1, 0.025)
mat <- matrix(NA, length(q), length(counts))
for (i in 1:length(counts)) {
val <- counts[i]
mat[,i] <- quantile(y[x==val], probs=q)
mx <- as.integer(length(q)/2)
colors <- hcl.colors(mx, palette= 'sunset', alpha= 0.9)
dxy <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
series <- list()
for (i in 1:mx) {
tmp <- data.frame(x= counts, hi= mat[i,], low= mat[length(q)+1-i,])
series <- append(series,
ecr.band(tmp, 'low', 'hi', name=paste0(round((1-q[i]*2)*100),'%'), color=colors[i])
series <- append(series,
list(list(type='scatter', symbolSize= 3, itemStyle= list(color='cyan'),
tooltip= list(formatter='{c}'))) )
dxy |> ec.init(load='custom', preset=FALSE,
xAxis= list(show=TRUE), yAxis= list(show=TRUE),
tooltip= list(formatter= '{a}', backgroundColor= '#55555599',
textStyle= list(color='#eee')),
title= list(text= 'Data + Quantiles + Tooltips + Zoom', subtext= 'inspiration article',
sublink= 'https://ptarroso.github.io/quantileplot/'),
toolbox= list(feature= list(dataZoom=list(show=TRUE), saveAsImage=list(show=TRUE))),
series= series
) |> ec.theme('dark')
Vertical/Radial layouts, symbol size for height, values in tooltips
# Hierarchical Clustering dendrogram charts
# JavaScript code for the switch button
jscode <- "() => {
chart = get_e_charts('ch1');
opt= chart.getOption();
optcurr= opt.o2; // switch options
opt.o2= null;
optcurr.o2= opt;
chart.setOption(optcurr, true);
hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
subt <- paste(as.character(hc$call)[2:3], collapse=' ')
p <- ec.init(elementId= 'ch1') |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
option1 <- list(
title= list(text= 'Radial Dendrogram', subtext= subt),
tooltip= list(show= TRUE),
graphic= list(elements= list(
ec.util(cmd='button', text='switch', js=jscode))),
series= list(list(
type= 'tree', data= ec.data(hc, format='dendrogram'),
roam= TRUE, initialTreeDepth= -1, # initially show all
symbolSize= ec.clmn(-1, scale= 0.33),
# exclude added labels like 'p99', leaving only the originals
label= list(formatter= htmlwidgets::JS(
"function(n) { out= /p\\d+/.test(n.name) ? '' : n.name; return out;}")),
layout= 'radial',
tooltip= list(formatter= "h={c}"),
universalTransition= list(enabled= TRUE, delay= 600) # animation
option2 <- within(option1, {
title <- list(text= 'Orthogonal Dendrogram', subtext= subt)
series[[1]]$layout <- 'orthogonal'
series[[1]]$orient <- 'TB'
series[[1]]$leaves <- list(label= list(
position= 'middle', rotate= 90, verticalAlign= 'top', align= 'right' ))
series[[1]]$label$offset <- c(-12,0)
p$x$opts <- option2
p$x$opts$o2 <- option1
Lotties are lotta fun
Add animations to charts
# data from https://lottiefiles.com
# plugin by https://github.com/pissang/lottie-parser
json <- 'https://helgasoft.github.io/echarty/js/spooky-ghost.json'
cont <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json, simplifyDataFrame=FALSE)
iris |> dplyr::group_by(Species) |>
load= 'lottie',
graphic= list(elements= list(
list( type= "group",
# lottie params: info + optional scale and loop
info= cont, scale= 250, # loop= FALSE,
left= 'center', top= 'middle' # ,rotation= -20
list( type= "image", left= 20, top= 'top',
style= list(
image= 'https://www.r-project.org/logo/Rlogo.png',
width= 150, height= 150, opacity= .4)
Time based charts
use for history, schedules, Gantt, etc. See also live calendar
# data from vistime library
df <- read.csv(text ="start,end,name,position
1785-05-17,1789-09-26,Jefferson,Minister to France
1789-09-11,1795-01-31,Hamilton,Treasury Secretary
1799-12-14,1800-06-15,Hamilton,Army Chief
") |>
mutate(start= as.Date(start), end= as.Date(end))
ss <- lapply(1:nrow(df), \(i) {
list(type= 'line',
name= df$position[i],
symbolSize= 0, # to show label
lineStyle= list(opacity=0.8, width= 44),
data= list(
list(df$start[i], df$name[i]),
list(df$end[i], df$name[i]) ),
triggerLineEvent= T,
tooltip= list(enterable=F, confine=T, formatter='{c} becomes {a}')
dd <- read.csv(text ="date,name,event
1804-07-11,Burr,killed A.Hamilton in duel
1793-01-21,Jefferson,Louis XVI at the guillotine
1789-07-14,Jefferson,Storming of the Bastille
1804-12-02,Jefferson,Napoleon Emperor
") |> mutate(date= as.Date(date))
s2 <- list(type='scatter', symbolSize=15,
encode= list(x=1, y=2), z= 22, name= 'Events',
tooltip= list(formatter=ec.clmn('%@ %@',1,3))
s3 <- lapply(list(4,6), \(i) {
lineStyle= list(color= 'red'),
data= list(
list(dd$date[i], dd$name[i]),
list(dd$date[i+1], dd$name[i+1])) )
p <- dd |> ec.init(
color= list('lightgreen', 'khaki', 'violet', 'lightcoral', 'lightcoral', 'red', 'goldenrod'),
grid= list(containLabel= T),
xAxis= list(type= 'time', scale= F, name= 'Year',
axisLabel= list(showMinLabel= T, showMaxLabel=T,
formatter= '{yyyy}')
yAxis= list(type= 'category', name='', axisLabel= list(fontSize= 16),
splitLine= list( show= T, lineStyle= list(color= '#ccc', width= 1))
series= append(ss, list(s2)) |> append(s3),
legend= list(show= T, data=c('President','Vice','Events')),
tooltip= list(show= T),
dataZoom= list(start=0, end=60, filterMode= 'none')
) |> ec.theme('dark-mushroom')
p$x$on <- list(list(
event='mousemove', query='series.line',
handler=htmlwidgets::JS("function (event) {
this.dispatchAction({ type: 'showTip',
seriesIndex: event.seriesIndex, dataIndex:0 });