Install Javascript plugin from URL source
- wt
A widget to add dependency to, see createWidget
- source
URL or file:// of a Javascript plugin,
file name suffix is '.js'. Default is NULL.- ask
Boolean, to ask the user to download source if missing. Default is FALSE.
When source is URL, the plugin file is installed with an optional popup prompt.
When source is a file name (file://xxx.js), it is assumed installed and only a dependency is added.
When source is invalid, an error message will be written in the chart's title.
Called internally by ec.init. It is recommended to use ec.init(load=...) instead of ec.plugjs.
# import map plugin and display two (lon,lat) locations
if (interactive()) {
durl <- paste0('',
ec.init( # load= durl,
geo = list(map= 'china-contour', roam= TRUE),
series.param = list(
type= 'scatter', coordinateSystem= 'geo',
symbolSize= 9, itemStyle= list(color= 'red'),
data= list(list(value= c(113, 40)), list(value= c(118, 39))) )
) |>