A 'custom' serie with lower and upper boundaries
- df
A data.frame with lower and upper numerical columns and first column with X coordinates.
- lower
The column name of band's lower boundary (string).
- upper
The column name of band's upper boundary (string).
- type
Type of rendering
'polygon' - by drawing a polygon as polyline from upper/lower points (default)
'stack' - by two stacked lines
- ...
More attributes for serie
type='polygon': coordinates of the two boundaries are chained into one polygon.
type='stack': two stacked lines are drawn, the lower with customizable areaStyle.
Optional parameter name, if given, will show up in legend. Legend merges all series with same name into one item.
df <- data.frame( x = 1:10, y = round(runif(10, 5, 10),2)) |>
dplyr::mutate(lwr= round(y-runif(10, 1, 3),2), upr= round(y+runif(10, 2, 4),2) )
banda <- ecr.band(df, 'lwr', 'upr', type='stack', name='stak', areaStyle= list(color='green'))
#banda <- ecr.band(df, 'lwr', 'upr', type='polygon', name='poly1')
df |> ec.init( load='custom', # polygon only
legend= list(show= TRUE),
xAxis= list(type='category', boundaryGap=FALSE), # stack
#xAxis= list(scale=T, min='dataMin'), # polygon
series= append(
list(list(type='line', color='blue', name='line1')),
tooltip= list(trigger='axis', formatter= banda[[1]]$tipFmt)