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tabset, table layout, support for GIS shapefiles through library 'sf'


ec.util(..., cmd = "sf.series", js = NULL, event = "click")



Optional parameters for the command
for sf.series - see points, polylines, polygons(itemStyle).
for tabset parameters should be in format name1=chart1, name2=chart2, see example


utility command, see Details


optional JavaScript function, default is NULL.


optional event name for cmd='morph'.


cmd = 'sf.series'
 Build leaflet or geo map series from shapefiles.
 Coordinate system is leaflet(default), geo or cartesian3D (for POINT(xyz))
    polygons can have only their name in tooltip,
    assumes Geodetic CRS is WGS 84, for conversion use st_transform with crs=4326.
    df - value from st_read
    nid - optional column name for name-id used in tooltips
    cs - optional coordinateSystem value, default 'leaflet'
    verbose - optional, print shapefile item names in console
 Returns a list of chart series

cmd = 'sf.bbox'
 Returns JavaScript code to position a map inside a bounding box from st_bbox, for leaflet only.

cmd = 'sf.unzip'
 Unzips a remote file and returns local file name of the unzipped .shp file
    url - URL of remote zipped shapefile
    shp - optional name of .shp file inside ZIP file if multiple exist. Do not add file extension.
 Returns full name of unzipped .shp file, or error string starting with 'ERROR'

cmd = 'geojson'
 Custom series list from geoJson objects
    geojson - object from fromJSON
    cs - optional coordinateSystem value, default 'leaflet'
    ppfill - optional fill color like '#F00', OR NULL for no-fill, for all Points and Polygons
    nid - optional feature property for item name used in tooltips
    ... - optional custom series attributes like itemStyle
 Can display also geoJson feature properties: color; lwidth, ldash (lines); ppfill, radius (points)

cmd = 'layout'
 Multiple charts in table-like rows/columns format
    ... - List of charts
    title - optional title for the entire set
    rows - optional number of rows
    cols - optional number of columns
 Returns a container div in rmarkdown, otherwise browsable.
 For 3-4 charts one would use multiple series within a grid.
 For greater number of charts ec.util(cmd='layout') comes in handy

cmd = 'tabset'
    ... - a list of name/chart pairs like n1=chart1, n2=chart2, each tab may contain a chart.
    tabStyle - tab style string, see default strTabStyle variable in the code
    width - optional width size for the tabset, in CSS format, default is 100%
 Returns A) browsable when '...' params are provided
 Returns B) tagList of tabs when in a pipe (no '...' params)
 Please note that a maximum of five(5) tabs are supported by current tabStyle.

cmd = 'button'
 UI button to execute a JS function,
    text - the button label
    js - the JS function string
    ... - optional parameters for the rect element
 Returns a graphic.elements-rect element.

cmd = 'morph'
    ... - a list of charts or chart option lists
    event - name of event for switching charts. Default is click.
 Returns a chart with ability to morph into other charts

cmd = 'fullscreen'
 A toolbox feature to toggle fullscreen on/off. Works in a browser, not in RStudio.

cmd = 'rescale'
    v - input vector of numeric values to rescale
    t - target range c(min,max), numeric vector of two

cmd = 'level'
 Calculate vertical levels for timeline line charts, returns a numeric vector
    df - data.frame with from and to columns
    from - name of 'from' column
    to - name of 'to' column


#if (interactive()) {  # comm.out: Cran Fedora errors about some 'browser'
  fname <- system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")
  nc <-
#> Reading layer `nc' from data source 
#>   `C:\Users\gugu\Documents\R\win-library\4.2\sf\shape\nc.shp' 
#>   using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
#> Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
#> Geodetic CRS:  NAD27
  ec.init(load= c('leaflet', 'custom'),  # load custom for polygons
     js= ec.util(cmd= 'sf.bbox', bbox= st_bbox(nc$geometry)),
     series= ec.util(cmd= 'sf.series', df= nc, nid= 'NAME', itemStyle= list(opacity=0.3)),
     tooltip= list(formatter= '{a}')
#>  series: 108 records: 2529 
p1 <- cars |> ec.init(grid= list(top=26), height=333) # move chart up p2 <- mtcars |> arrange(mpg) |> ec.init(height=333, ctype='line') ec.util(cmd= 'tabset', cars= p1, mtcars= p2)
cars |> ec.init( graphic = list( ec.util(cmd='button', text='see type', right='center', top=20, js="function(a) {op=ec_option(echwid); alert(op.series[0].type);}") ) )
lapply(list('dark','macarons','gray','dark-mushroom'), function(x) cars |> ec.init(grid= list(bottom=5, top=10)) |> ec.theme(x) ) |> ec.util(cmd='layout', cols= 2, title= 'Layout')


#} colors <- c("blue","red","green") cyls <- as.character(sort(unique(mtcars$cyl))) sers <- lapply(mtcars |> group_by(cyl) |> group_split(), \(x) { cyl <- as.character(unique(x$cyl)) list(type='scatter', id=cyl, dataGroupId=cyl, data= |> select(mpg,hp)), universalTransition= TRUE) }) oscatter <- list( title= list(text='Morph', left='center', subtext='click points to morph'), color= colors, tooltip= list(show=TRUE), xAxis= list(scale=TRUE, name='mpg'), yAxis= list(scale=TRUE, name='hp'), series= sers ) opie <- list( title= list(text= 'Average hp'), color= colors, tooltip= list(show=TRUE), series= list(list( type= 'pie', label= list(show=TRUE), colorBy= 'data', data= |> group_by(cyl) |> summarize(value= mean(hp)) |> mutate(groupId= as.character(cyl), name= as.character(cyl)),'names'), universalTransition= list(enabled=TRUE, seriesKey= cyls) )) ) ec.util(cmd='morph', oscatter, opie)